Well, last time you saw my progress on a map editor. Well, I've been using that editor and creating a bunch of maps with it. Now, these maps would be pretty pointless, unless I had something that used that map data...
Introducing... LOOTURE!
This is the first sighting of my game engine! The engine runs similar to the original Zelda - you can move around the map using the arrow keys. When you reach the edge of a map, you move onto the next map. There's a lot more to it than that, obviously.
I'm going to try and give updates on this thing as a lot of work has already been put into it. I'd like a lot of it to be kept secret for a while, though. =P
- Created the game engine (map changing, collision detection etc.)
- Added a bunch of new sprites (such as the hedge sprites)
- Added a playable character
Like I said, there's a lot more than that. I just want to keep it secret until a future update. See ya!
Can we get another update now? Been almost 2 months.
<3 Coolboi xoxo