Saturday, 14 May 2011

What type of game?

Well, since I haven't really had time to do too much work on the game, I've been thinking about what kind of game it could be. Here are the sort of things I've thought about:


With the story based thing, you could have a campaign thing where you run through levels killing enemies, solving puzzles - that sort of thing. At first, I thought this would be a pretty good idea - however, I haven't really been building my game towards that - levels are fixed to the screen, therefore I couldn't have large level areas. I've not allowed for cut-scenes or speech either.

However, defend your base type thing seems more plausible. Levels can be fixed to a point with this. The whole array based system could also mean the player could obtain blocks (not sure how) and place them themselves - therefore making it more sandbox. It would also allow for a lot of replay value, and people could create levels for themselves extremely easily. It'd also mean an easier job for me to actually make it all.

Now, for puzzle, I wouldn't want to make a stand-alone puzzle game. Although, I can tie puzzle elements into it, or use certain... upgrades (?) so that the player can have tactics rather than just run-and-gun.


There are a few definite things I want in the game, though.


I definitely want weapons - I've always wanted to have a game in which you can blast enemies to pieces. However, I don't want it to be run and gun. I want there to be a lot of tactics and things. To do this, I'm thinking of adding realism to it - you can only take a few bullets before you cop it. If I do this, I will make sure health regenerates. Enemies will also be like this (probably no health regeneration for them, though).

By characters, I mean characters that the player can unlock and play as. I'm not sure if the characters will just mean a graphical change, though. I may add abilities to the characters (and an option to turn abilities off).

Customisation! Everything to do with it. Make pretty weapons (:D), pretty character stuff (Shades, anyone?) and a whole heap of stuff which will probably get put in when I see an opportunity.


Well, that's what I've been thinking about lately! But for now, I need to carry on with graphics...

Friday, 6 May 2011


Ok, I have actually been back for a while, but it's exam season, so I've been revising and things! Anyway, due to that, not much has been going on. I've done a few graphics and whatnot (for the foreground layer - that's my next objective!) and I've also done some glitch busting; tedious as hell. Ah well. Hello random new follower! =D