Sunday, 22 August 2010


Right, no Watermelon Day game. I started a funky competition instead!

Anyway, as I can't stay away from Flash, I managed to produce a sexy depth engine!

Just click and move the mouse around, you'll see the depth come to life!

Monday, 16 August 2010


I sprained my thumb. =(

It should be ok in a couple of days, though. So progress will continue then if I have a hard time at the moment.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Uh oh!

The next video won't be coming tomorrow, guys. I'm visiting my grandparents! Oh well, I'll leave you a picture of my sexy gamepad that I'm so frequently using for every game which will include the Watermelon Day game I'm making, plus half of my sexy face! Bargaaaiiin. *runs*

Well, I guess that sort of proves I'm actually a teenage boy... Lol. Also, check out my extremely curly hair. Phwoar. My bed hair and my day hair are exactly the same! Yay!

New "Production" Video

Another production video has just been released! This one was actually made a month ago, I just never posted it for some reason. It's part of the production for my Watermelon Day game, and it lets anyone else join in with it. It's also pretty fun.

Well, that's all good! I'll hopefully produce the next video tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


The Turtle game (no name for it yet) has been postponed to make way for another game that is scheduled to be finished 20 days from now. A Watermelon Day game! I've created an engine for it, and produced a game script.

I'm not going to reveal what kind of game it is right now, though. It'll be a surprise. I'm hoping to get Knyh on board to help with the graphics.

Until the next post, see ya!